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Find new audience for your brand

Sell directly to Aussie shoppers with customised storefronts curated by social media creators.

Create moments of inspiration closer to the point of purchase

hassle 1

Increase Sales and Brand Exposure

Let our creators promote and sell your products for you.

hassle 2

Set and forget

All stock easily integrated in under two minutes. Fulfil orders as normal.

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Free to join, only pay commission on sales

Free, forever. Only pay commission on sales creators make.

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People trust people

Deepen existing creator relationships or find new, lucrative partnerships.

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How it works

    • 1

    • Sync your Shopify store to Pedlar in two minutes

    Picture of the author
    • 2

    • Creators add your products to their stores

    step 2
    • 3

    • When sales are made, you ship the products directly to customers

    Picture of the author
    • 4

    • Only pay commission on sales made

    Picture of the author

Work with the world’s most talented influencers

Stephen Dan

Stephen Dan





Mora Ruby

Mora Ruby

Debbi Heart

Debbi Heart

Jacob Max

Jacob Max

Stephen Dan

Stephen Dan





Mora Ruby

Mora Ruby

Debbi Heart

Debbi Heart

Jacob Max

Jacob Max

Frequently Asked Questions

It takes less than two minutes to get set up on Pedlar. We seamlessly integrate your Shopify store into our platform using a Shopify app.

No. Once we have integrated your Shopify store with Pedlar, all inventory management is done automatically in real-time through APIs.

All product information including prices, images and inventory levels are updated automatically on Pedlar. This means when changes are made on your Shopify store it is reflected on Pedlar in real time.

You receive orders as soon as they are made and they will appear as normal on your Shopify store. All Pedlar orders are tagged from Pedlar so you'll know its an order from us.

You (the brand) ships the order using your normal order fulfilment process. Pedlar is committed to adhering to your shipping and returns policy so it's business as usual for you. If Pedlar chooses to subsidise shipping and returns, Pedlar will absorb that cost.

Grow your business today

Fill in the form below and we’ll get in touch with you to begin the process

We will communicate with you about the information requested and other Pedlar services.

The use of your information is goverened by Pedlar’s Privacy Policy

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